Koncerty Silver Rocket |
25. 4. Praha - Meet Factory: Karate (USA) |
15. 11. Praha - Meet Factory: New Model Army (UK) |
Aktuální články |
Novinky: 11. 2. LAUNDERED SYRUP - Black Urn |
Inkvizice: 31. 5. Dominik Duka |
Nejchytřejší kecy: 11. 2. Laundered Syrup – Black Urn |
"Lauderdale" od Bleubirda je jedna z nejvíc SVOBODNEJCH desek letošního roku. Je to učebnicový "fuck you" album, ale zároveň je tam cejtit upřímnost a syrovost. Bleubird je ve světě "alternativního rapu" (blablabla) těžko zařaditelnej - není to profesionální depkař jako Sadistik, není to profesionální politik jako Sole, není to ani profesionální intelektuál jako Aesop Rock. Kdyby byl Bleubird kapela, byl by nejspíš jako Cows. I proto bude vždycky na okraji - kde to je nakonec vždycky nejzábavnější. A jedna osobní vsuvka - spolupracovat na turné s lidma jako Bleubird je čistá krása. Do všeho po hlavě, nula zábran, punk (tak, jak ho vnímám já; nikomu to necpu!), nějak to dopadne, Earth - Atomizer - Let's Go! Není důvod dělat s Bleubirdem normální interview, tohle je pár výkřiků - nechal jsem to v angličtině.
LAUDERDALE is your best album so far, because....?
...because I am the best me that I have ever been!!! ...so far. Who knows what kind of "me" I'll be a year from now. When I made my last album I was too comfortable... it's easy to make art when you're comfortable. The real good shit comes from the struggle... from the fire. I have no idea how much longer I'll be able to keep this up, the intertwined mess of my passion/career is forever fleeting. Which makes it beautiful like LIFE! So this album is very IN the moment. Maybe I'm caught up and lost in the sticky swamp lands of Florida and the lifestyle that comes along with it?? Or maybe this is just another adventure... either way ALL WILL BE REPRESENTED HONESTLY.
In all fairness - do you expect people to "get it"? It seems to me SO FAR AWAY from the world of "alternative rap"... am I wrong?
The dividing lines between "alternative" and "mainstream" have been crumbling for years. Styles and tastes shift and rotate like the planet and the stars. I'm fascinated with things I once considered ignorant and the things I loved now make my skin crawl. I never expect people to get it. All I can hope is that they are open to take it in and experience it. HOW it makes them feel is not my concern. No matter the sound my heart is still there.
You started rapping because...
...it was the ONLY thing that ever made sense to me.
5 rap albums that you wish you had appeared on?
(In No particular order)
-The Pharcyde "Bizare Ride II The Pharcyde"
-Ceschi "One Man Band Broke Up"
-Run The Jewels
-Y'all So Stupid "Van Full of Pakistans"
-Beastie Boys "Check Your Head"
5 rap albums that shouldn't have been released at all
-Immortal Technique "Revolutionary Vol 1"
-Immortal Technique "Revolutionary Vol 2"
-Immortal Technique "Revolutionary Vol 3"
-Immortal Technique "Revolutionary Vol 4"
-Immortal Technique "Revolutionary Vol 5"
Now: I will give you a line and you will finish it in terms of how YOU think it should continue, alright?
"Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind..." (TADY)
But I still go back and see her I'm addicted to the grind.
"If you're havin' girl problems i feel bad for you son..." (TADY)
I've had 99 flavors of Ice Cream but Pistachio isn't one. For freal FUCK PISTACIO I'm done with it. :)
"Standin' on a corner, suitcase in my hand..." (TADY)
I done lost my rental car and I can't afford a band!
"When I get high, I get high on speed, top fuel funny car's a drug for me..." (TADY)
Is this a Black Keys song??????
"Out on bail fresh outta jail, California dreamin..." (TADY)
A little freestyle few sentences for your upcoming Euro tour please:
T.V. party tonight! T.V. party tonight!
We're gonna have a T.V. party tonight! Alright! We're gonna have a T.V. party alright! We've got nothing better to do than watch T.V. and have a couple of brews
All our friends are gonna hang out here tonight - alright!
We're gonna pass out on the couch alright - tonight!
We've got nothing better to do than watch T.V. and have a couple of brews
Don't talk about anything else, we don't wanna know!
We're dedicated to our favorite shows!
We sit glued to the T.V. set all night and every night!
Why go into the outside world at all? It's such a fright!
We've got nothing better to do than watch T.V. and have a couple of brews
T.V. news shows what it's really like out there, it's a scare!
You can go out if you want, we wouldn't dare!
We've got nothing better to do than watch T.V. and have a couple of brews
Don't talk about anything else, we don't wanna know!
We're dedicated to our favorite shows!
I wouldn't be without my T.V. for a day or even a minute!
Don't even bother to use my brain anymore, there's nothing left in it!
We've got nothing better to do than watch T.V. and have a couple of brews
Wait a minute! My T.V. set doesn't work! It's broken!
What are we gonna do tonight? This isn't fair!
We're hurtin', we've got nothing left to do with no T.V. and just a couple of brews
What are we gonna talk about? I don't know!
We're gonna miss our favorite shows! NO T.V. PARTY TONIGHT!
Sep 21 – Budapest (HU) w/Aby Wolf
Sep 22 – Vienna (AT)
Sep 23 – Bratislava (SK) w/Modré hory
Sep 24 – Nitra (SK)
Sep 25 – Trenčín (SK)
Sep 26 – Jihlava (CZ) w/Tanzverbot, Kurac
Sep 27 – Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ)
Sep 28 – Brno (CZ)
Sep 29 – Kopřivnice (CZ)
Sep 30 – Ostrava (CZ) w/Inau
Oct 1 – Břeclav (CZ) w/Inau
Oct 2 – Slavičín (CZ) w/Inau
Oct 3 – Kolín (CZ) w/Sladkovol
Oct 4 – Praha (CZ) w/Edoshův kurník
Oct 5 – Frankfurt (DE)
Oct 7 – Strasbourg (FR)
Oct 9 – Leipzig(DE)
Oct 10 – Hamburg (DE)
Oct 11 – Berlin (DE)